Biomechanical Assessments

A biomechanical assessment is used by the podiatrists at Macclesfield Podiatry to assess, diagnose, and treat adults and children who have a structural or muscular lower limb complaint, those experiencing pain (including lower back), and those who have difficulty walking.

What is a biomechanical assessment?

A biomechanical assessment is necessary to assess the way the quality and range of movement of joints, to assess muscle strength and flexibility, to assess compensatory mechanisms, and to assess the way that you walk, paying particular attention to the way the foot contacts the ground at each stage of the gait cycle.

A biomechanical assessment is suitable for anyone experiencing lower back, knee, hip, calf, ankle, or foot pain whereby the cause has not yet been established. The biomechanical assessment is the first step in understanding what the cause of the problem is, what can be done, and what further investigations or referrals to other health professionals are needed.

The assessment does not focus solely on the foot; we also assess the knee, hip, pelvis and spine, and assess their relationship with one another. It is important to take a holistic approach when performing a biomechanical assessment, this is because a pain may present in an area due to weakness or poor structural alignment in another. In other words, the site of the problem is not necessarily where the cause originates; lower back pain, for example, can be the result of poor foot function.

Your podiatrist will use the information gained from the biomechanical assessment to formulate a treatment plan. All treatment plans are individual and will vary dependant on each person’s requirements. All findings will be discussed and explained to you, as will the treatment options.

The aim of a biomechanical assessment and treatment is to diagnose the cause of the problem, and then improve the function of the lower limb and foot, thereby reducing any painful symptoms that you may be experiencing as a result. Podiatry treatment following a biomechanical assessment may involve:

  • Orthoses to improve foot function and redistribute pressure away from painful structures
  • A stretching programme to increase range of movement and reduce muscle tightness
  • A strengthening programme to strengthen weak muscles
  • Padding and strapping to cushion and support
  • Footwear review

What problems can a biomechanical assessment help with?

A biomechanical assessment can help you if you have pain or discomfort in the following areas:

  • Foot
  • Ankle
  • Calf
  • Shin
  • Knee
  • Thigh
  • Hip
  • Lower back

A biomechanical assessment will also be of benefit if you have problems with ankle instability as well as trips and falls.

What are the benefits of a biomechanical assessment?

A biomechanical assessment is the starting point from which the cause of your lower limb pain or discomfort can be established, therefore first and foremost, a biomechanical assessment can help provide an accurate diagnosis. Other benefits following a biomechanical assessment include:

  • Reduction in pain
  • Improvement in function of the leg and foot
  • Improved gait
  • Improved posture
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved muscle strength
  • Improved joint range of motion
  • Reduction in muscle tightness

At Macclesfield Podiatry we work closely with physiotherapists who, if necessary, can provide further treatment and equipment.

How do I make an appointment for a biomechanical assessment?

For more information on how a biomechanical assessment can benefit you, or to book an appointment with a podiatrist please call 0161 883 0099, or email

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